Vampires Chan Can'T Suck Properly
- Author(s) : Nishiki, Kyousuke (Story & Art)
- Status : ongoing
- Last updated : Sep-11-2024 09:03:44 PM
- View : 0
- Genres : Shounen
- Rating :
- natomanga.com rate : 1 / 5 - 1 votes
Vampires Chan Can'T Suck Properly summary:
Luna Ishikawa is a rather unique transfer student: she is a vampire. Accompanied by her cool demeanor, Luna quickly became the center of attention of the class. With such an immense presence, it would be nearly impossible for Tatsuta Ootori, a completely average guy, to ever interact with her. That is, until they are unexpectedly paired together for cleaning duty! As they spend some time together, Tatsuta's impression of Luna slowly crumbles. She is not the mysterious and collected girl everyone think she is. In fact, she is unable to suck blood properly! Having learnt about Luna's ineptness, Tatsuta proposes to become her practice partner. Thus begins the duo's school life together, slowly improving her blood-sucking skills with every bite she takes. [Written by Phloup]
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